
Meet Start To Summit

Hey, I’m Erin Roberts.

I’m the brains behind Start To Summit. I help passionate businesses make a bigger impact in the world and their bottom line with smart copywriting and content strategies.

That’s what I do. But, here’s how I got here, who I am and how I work… 

I have 10 years of experience. I got my marketing and writing chops beginning with a degree in public relations from a top-three program followed by several years at PR and integrated marketing agencies before starting as a consultant and then founding Start To Summit. 

I’m a strategist. With 10 years of experience serving clients with top-notch work, it’s become an inherent skill to quickly wade through the details and challenges to create smart, big-picture strategies. 

I’m a doer. I’m in the zone when I’m fully engrossed in creative work that’s strategically achieving specific measurable goals. Inefficiency is my biggest pet peeve. 

I’m direct, but kind. I tell it like it is but speak from the heart. And, my clients love this about me. 

My superpower is empathy. The hyper ability to transport myself into others’ shoes is my most valuable asset. As a strategic marketer and a writer, and as a human.

I’m a risk-taker. But not the kind that’s impulsive. The kind that is willing to take calculated risks because I don’t believe in letting fear rob you from the excitement of possibilities. 

Meditation and yoga are my everyday essentials. I believe in showing up every day just a little better than you did before. 

I thrive on challenges and research. Biotech, energy, cannabis and compliance are just a few of the complex industries I’ve worked in. And, as an entrepreneur with Start To Summit and an e-commerce business that I sold in 2018, I’ve had a lot of firsts. It’s second nature for me to fully dive into something new and figure it out to create a best-in-class piece of work. Think your project is complex? Try me. 

From Start To Summit. 

If nothing else, entrepreneurship is a journey. The path is filled with ups, downs, unforeseen challenges and pitstops for celebrating the small wins, which ultimately build over time to lead to success.

It’s the concept of honoring this journey, the lessons learned and the sheer perseverance it takes to reach that summit, that has inspired the name Start To Summit.

Will you reach the top immediately? Definitely not.

Will you do everything perfectly on the very first try? Most likely not.

But, will you meet each and every experience with ultimate authenticity in order to learn, adjust and keep pursuing the best path to the summit? Absolutely.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

– Helen Keller

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

– Helen Keller

Does this resonate with you? Cool. Here’s what’s next…

Have you checked out our services yet? You might want to peruse the list and my prices.

Or, maybe you’re ready to have a conversation and see if we’re a good fit to work together?